I forgot my cell phone today.
I put the phone on the counter while I poured my last cup of coffee into my travel mug. Snapped the lid onto the mug, turned to grab the phone's holster and clip it to my belt, picked up my keys and wallet and headed down to the car.
Got to work and realized the phone holster was empty—I'd planned to clip on the holster and put the phone in it immediately before I grabbed keys and wallet. I must have been distracted by the pretty glint of the keys or something.
I feel... naked.
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On my way home from work last night I was listening to the Seattle Mariners game at Baltimore, and I was struck by how many sponsor mentions there were.
There was the Trane Heating and Air Conditioning First Pitch, and the Cingular Wireless pre-game show and score updates, and what seemed like hundreds of others.
And I thought, I wonder when we'll start hearing about sponsored sponsorships?
This has been the Cingular Wireless score report.
Brought to you by Trane Heating and Air Conditioning....
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The coffee I'm drinking today was actually intended for consumption yesterday morning. However, I had yet another misfire with my coffee maker's timed-brew cycle.
Turns out there are two functions that have to be set for the auto brew to work. You first must set the time for the cycle to start, and separately you must turn on the auto-brew cycle.
Just setting the time doesn't turn on the cycle, as I found out to my dismay when I wandered downstairs at 07:05, clad in t-shirt and boxers, wondering where the hell was the stimulating aroma of freshly brewed java.
There was nothing. The coffee pot sat there empty, glistening in the morning sun reflected off my incredulous forehead. Grounds were still in the filter basket, untouched by the water which sat unheated in the reservoir.
The coffee maker just sat there, almost grinning evilly at my silly stupidity.
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I thought the banks had switched in, oh, October or so to some system of processing checks whereby the checks would clear practically the moment you ripped them from the checkbook, but in the six months since they announced this change I've seen the checks I write take much longer to clear than they ever did before.
Two most recent examples (and about the only two checks I still write regularly; everything else I do through my bank's electronic bill-payment system):
- May rent check deposited by the apartment management folks on May 05; finally cleared on May 20
- Car-payment check hit the bank on 05/07 and still hasn't cleared
They went to all this trouble to warn us about not relying on "floating" checks anymore (well, my bank did anyway; I got notices about it in several monthly statements leading up to Oct 2004), that checks would very likely clear the next day after deposit—even the same day in some cases—so be sure not to write a check unless you know the funds are there, blah blah blah.
My experience has been exactly the opposite.
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Note to clients who want custom-designed chain-of-custody documents to include their own company logo:
Don't provide a BMP graphic file. BMP graphics suck for detailed reproduction. That's why your logo looks fuzzy on the COC, just like I told you it would when you said that was the only logo file you had.
But the rest of the form sure looks purty. Kinko's does a decent job on such items.
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In the last three days, the weather forecast for the Memorial Day weekend in the Seattle area has changed from Really Nice! (sunny, clear, 70s or even 80s each day) to Mildly Sucky! (partly cloudy, low to mid-60s, chance of rain each day).
Oh well. Come hell or high water, we're barbecuin' this weekend. :-)