On the Edmonds ferry
In line for the ferry at Kingston

Nearing Sol Duc Falls

I’m using my digital camera more than my phone now, so I’ll post any good photos via my Flickr account sometime in the next few days.

It’s overcast but the sun is peeking out now and then. I didn’t bring a sweatshirt or any other outerwear, of course—I really am that stupid—so we may not do the falls hike today after all. We drove a bit past the Sol Duc turnoff and saw some smouldering brush and trees, got some photos I hope will turn out as they do controlled burns (yeah, right) to clear brush away from recently logged privately owned land in the area.

The Park Service and private lands mix really closely along parts of this road; hard to tell what land belongs to which entity moment by moment. But the pall of smoke is just unreal.

And I’m amazed this phone can do a message this long... hope this goes through!
