Randomly, because it's been that type of day.
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I spent much of today shaking off the effects of the roughly 3 bottles of wine (!) I consumed before, with, and after last night's salmon-with-rice-pilaf-and-asparagus dinner. Even this late in the day I'm still experiencing gastrointestinal flip-flops and Fun Churning Sensations the likes of which I'd not encountered before.
No puking, though, which is a tremendous relief. I don't much care for explosive reverse peristalsis.
Saltines work wonders for settling the old stomach when it's actively trying to claw its way out of your person.
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I felt pretty chilled around 13:00 today so I turned on the fireplace. Note the phrasing—"turned on," I flipped the little light switch that controls the gas supply and seconds later FWOOMP, fire.
I don't like the sound of sizzling fleshAh, modern technology.
Anyway, about 20 minutes later my two cats noticed the fire was burning and edged their way across the living room to flop on the floor just in front of the fireplace. Annie, my female tabby, got a bit inquisitive after a few minutes and wanted to see the dancing flames a bit more closely, so she marched right up to the glass divider to look in.
She misjudged the distances, however, and there followed a plainly audible sizzling sound (!!) and a yowl/yelp/twist-and-flip combo after which she ended up five feet away from the fireplace and licking her nose furiously where it'd touched the hot glass.
I don't like the sound of sizzling flesh, but Annie now gives the fireplace a wide berth.
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With the end of the regular television season my TiVo has determined that my interests once more lie in the Spanish-language and cheeseball sci-fi directions. It also started picking up various University of Washington televised classes and more than a few Asian-language shows, which is strange because I already told it the Asian-language channels and the UW channel were not favorites, but oh well. I've had to turn off the Suggestions feature for now until I can thumbs-down all the weirdness and return to recording only Battlestar Galactica (and could you please tell me what the HELL is up with these shows and their "QuakeCam" filming styles?) and The 4400 and a few sci-fi and other shows I actually want to have recorded now and then.
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Requisite mention of the Apple-is-switching-to-Intel-chips-oh-no! hysteria:
I'm waiting for Monday's WWDC keynote to find out what really is announced. I have my take, good and bad both, on a full architecture switch but I don't know enough about what's really happening here to form an intelligent opinion yet, and unlike most other sites I've seen mention this, I'm not going to indulge in the hysterical doom-saying.
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As part of last night's Don-marinated-in-white-wine-with-rice-pilaf-and-asparagus affair, I thought my music library would be growing by a few hundred songs, but we never got around to that with the grilling and the drinking and the after-dinner drinking and dessert drinking.
Poor me. No piracy last night.
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So the muscles along my ribs are sore today and I've no idea why. I haven't done any unusual lifting or anything in the last several days and I wasn't writhing in such agony last night and this morning that I should be sore, but I definitely feel it tonight.
Kind of like the times I'll spot a huge bruise or cut on my arm or leg or whatever and have no idea how I got the injury.
I wonder if I'm sleepwalking or something.
Speaking of which: Sometime I'll have to relate the story of the time I sleepurinated over the banister at my parents' house, but that's a tale for a different weird Sunday.