Happy Thanksgiving. :-)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Katharine and I are enjoying the holiday at our friend Julie Anne’s house. A few other friends will be joining us later in the day, but right now we’re caffeinating over the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on NBC.
I’d forgotten how weird these parades are, with the big staged musical numbers and the too-smiley performers and the network shilling its shows.
I broke the coffeemaker last night, so we’ve fallen back to Julie Anne’s espresso maker for our caffeine needs, and Martin Short is being funny (allegedly) as he narrates the parade-route presentation.
I remember now why I haven’t watched this parade since I was a kid!
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Happy holidays, everyone. May you enjoy the warmth of the season, the love of family and friends, and the joy of successes past and possibilities ahead.