Friday, January 29, 2010
I’m pretty sure if it was a girl bear, I’d last less than half that time.
I’m pretty sure if it was a girl bear, I’d last less than half that time.
Saw a Mini with this tag on my way to work this morning:
Also: Big laffs!
(and it’s better if you’ve seen the episode titled “The Impertence of Communicationizing”)
(but it’s still damned funny!)
Via a BBC News article:
A novel—and natural—way of creating new bones for humans could be just a few years away.
Scientists in Italy have developed a way of turning rattan wood into bone that is almost identical to the human tissue.
* Yes, I know rattans are not, strictly speaking, trees, but are more like vines. But the metaphor/lame joke doesn’t work if the facts are paid strict attention.
Via the Queen Anne View neighborhood blog, disappointing news about the top of the hill:
As we welcome in 2010, Queen Anne may be saying goodbye to a third of the neighborhood’s caffeine corner. Reader Ann Chen walked in to Peet’s Coffee & Tea at the top of the hill yesterday to find a closing sign and the news that today, January 1, 2010, may be their last.Confirmed by a Peet’s employee at the store.
A quieter year compared to previous lists (see 2006, 2007, 2008). There would probably be far more than previous years if I included mobile chat status messages, but there’s no reliable way to record those for posterity, so I just ignore ’em.
The “available” messages first, in creation order:
And now the “away” messages—looks like I wasn’t away very often:
Spent at least one night (or most of a day, for the day trips) in each of these cities in 2009.
Listed in roughly chronological order; links go to related posts or categories.