8 entries categorized "Birthdays"
Birthday-weekend breakfast of champions
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Happy birthday, Julie Anne
Friday, August 01, 2014
Not a milestone this year, a regular old (hee hee) run-of-the-mill birthday. But still getting a multiple-day celebration thanks to your family and friends who love you.
Here’s to 40-some more!
Everyone, go pester Jewells with birthday wishes at her various online haunts:
Happy The Big Four-Oh, Julie Anne :-)
Thursday, August 01, 2013
Forty years ago today at 09:23 MDT, Julie Anne joined the world with a yowl, and the world blinked at the sudden arrival of this brightest of lights in its midst.
Forty years on, the light’s brighter still.
Look, even the kitchen calendar is getting in on the act.
Everyone, go pester Jewells with birthday wishes at her various online haunts:
At this moment, or: Happy birthday, Katharine :-)
Thursday, December 02, 2010
On December 2, 1969, at 10:08 PST, Katharine entered the world. It’s been a hell of a ride since. ;-D
Happy birthday!
We all love you.
Everyone, go pester Kat with birthday wishes at her various online haunts:
Happy birthday, Julie Anne :-)
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Another year closer to the next big milestone! And only a year younger than I am for the next four months.
Everyone, wish Julie Anne a happy day:
Happy “Someday”, Katharine :-D
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
So today’s The Big Day.
Julie Anne and I sneaked into your office last night and did some decoratin’, complete to photographic proof.
First the whiteboard:
We had to range far and wide to find the right combo of dry-erase markers for the faux confetti effect.
And then the desktop:
So here’s to the Big Four-Oh, and to many more.
Everyone: Go wish Katharine a happy birthday on all of her sites:
Happy birthday, Mom
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thank you for everything over the years.
Know that we love you and miss you.
Have a good day!